My room
My room measures maybe 15 m2. I have a window with a view. When I sit on the bed and I mainly sit on the bed, when I am in my room, then I see a lot of sky, quite a few lamp posts, some shrubs, which are bent from the wind, the futuristic church to the right and some houses to the left. I hear the wind, the cars or lorries passing by, the odd bird croaking, the rope, which beats the flag post rhythmically with a high chiming sound, children shouting and my tinnitus, with its constant and annoying whirring noise; yes, my friend I am still here!
The window is divided into three parts for symmetrical reasons, the middle one being the double width of the smaller ones. The left side window can be opened on the bottom, so that is sticks out a little bit and allows the wonderful cool air to enter the room in small sips.
There is always a fly sitting on the window, seeking for freedom, attracted by the light and fighting with the invisible barrier of the glass. Eventually the little creature dies after a day or two and gets immediately replaced by another desperate fly. The flies here in Skagaströnd are different from the average flies I know, they are a bit longer and more slender, maybe because it is harder for them to find their favourite food here in Iceland.